About National Sportswear Incorporated
If there is anything you need to know, you can find it here.
Just look for the different links and they will take you to that specific
area or topic that you are looking for.
For instance, if you would like to know how or when
National Sportswear ® was founded, click here.
Likewise, you can view our United States Federal Trademarks by clicking here.
If you’d like to view our privacy policies, you can click here.
And here are some others
| Shipping Policies | History |
Photo of three Seagull
Is a silkscreen printed design by National Sportswear ®
for tourist retail shops.
This print was silkscreen printed directly on t-shirts.
We’ll be adding much more stuff here as time goes on.
Our Locations
National Sportswear is a registered corporation of the following States
Massachusetts | Florida | North Carolina | New jersey
Follow Us on these Social Media Sites!
| Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Youtube |
Identity and Trademark piracy is a serious problem today.
We’ve had our fare share or National Sportswear wannabees trying to impersonate us.
Even gone as far as trying to cancel our Federal Trademarks.
So it is smart for internet consumers to really know who you are dealing with.
Always ask to see corporation certification before you deal with strangers on the web.
Verify this information with your local governments and do a little background check.
These are all safety measures we all need to take today.
Because the internet has been changing and the bad guys stoop lower than poop!
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