Short sleeve T-Shirt Printing is one of our many specialties.
Keeping the price low and affordable is what we do best.
Of course, our quality, service and products are second to none as well.
Just as our slogan suggests.
When Second Best Won’t Do! ™
Did you know that one of our very first customers was the man who invented the smiley face?
That’s right, Mr. Harvey Ball was a freelance artist from the very same city
where National Sportswear Incorporated was founded, Worcester Massachusetts.
Mr Ball offered his services to State Mutual Life Assurance Company of America in 1963
for a mere $240 to design a campaign pin which ended up being the smiley face.
Since then, the smiley face has been printed on many products all over the world, from pins to t-shirts.
And of course yours truly, National Sportswear ® had the great honor of serving Mr Harvey Ball
by printing quite a few smiley face t-shirts back in the days of our founding in Worcester.
Just a little history behind another wonderful customer we were honored to serve.
You could even say that Mr Ball’s Smiley Face was the very first emoticon!
But of course you are here to find out how
cheap short sleeve t-shirt printing
is at National Sportswear.
We ship coast to coast for free.
No art work fees to worry about.
We help you get a professional finished t-shirt.
How much?
How does $2.96 a t-shirt delivered sound?
This is for a one color print on one side
for a minimum of 100 white short sleeve brand name t-shirts.
If you need another color.
For instance a two color print as opposed to a one color print.
The cost per extra color is only $0.50 each.
So for a two color printed t-shirt,
the price would be $3.46 Delivered!
Furthermore, we silkscreen print your design
which will last for many years longer than any other method.
But that’s not all.
You really need to read this.
We cure every t-shirt for a minimum of 10 seconds in our conveyor ovens
at over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
Why should you care?
Read On!
The COVID-19 virus can’t survive temperatures over 350 degrees.
So make no mistake about it.
At 800 degrees not much of anything survives.
So you are guaranteed a virus free t-shirt!
After curing our t-shirts, we pack them in airtight sealed plastic bags.
Your shirts arrive safely to you 100% virus free!
We print for Big Businesses, Small Businesses, Governments, Non Profits and YOU!
If we’re good enough for them, are we good enough for you?
No artwork charges, Free Shipping, zero screen charges.
These are some of the services we provide all customers free of charge.
As a matter of fact, we introduced all this before most companies even had a website!
So when you’re ready to get a WOW Quote,
Just click the image below.
Oh, did we mention that is free too?
“View our t-shirt gallery here, it can give you some ideas for your next order”
Here’s a really nice two color print was silkscreen printed for Kauai Down Under.
A t-shirt like this printed and delivered only costs about $3.99 each!
Here is an example of our great cheap short sleeve t-shirt printing prices.
Need a quote for cheap short sleeve t-shirt printing?
Click Here!
National Sportswear ®
National Sportswear Incorporated
“One Name, One Domain!”
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